My Favorite Children's Books

These are books that brought me joy, laughter, and taught me lessons as a child.

The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly - Simms Taback

This little fun book is about an old lady who eats a fly, cow, and other impossible things. This book has a cool song to go along with it. I would read this book to a kindergarten class and allow them to sing the song. I would allow my students to create the old lady on a poster and place  3d items on her stomach to indicate things that she has eaten.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle

This story is about a little caterpillar who eats many different foods and grow. Eventually, the caterpillar grows into a butterfly. This book displays the days of the week and counting. This would be a fun book to introduce to students while learning the days of the weeks and counting.

Me Too

Me Too! (A Golden Look-Look Book) by Mayer, Mercer (2001) Paperback - Mercer Mayer

This story is about a big brother and little sister. The big brother has his own friends and he wants to leave his little sister behind. Everything the big brother  want to do, the little always say, "Me Too." The big brother can not do anything himself without his sister following him. Many big brothers and sisters can relate to this that have younger siblings. I would read this story with my class and allow the students to write about a time when  their sibling wanted to follow them. I would share stories about my siblings.

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace - Mary Hoffman, Caroline Binch

This book is about Grace who is auditioning for a part in the Peter Pan Play at school. Many students think that Grace could not play the part because she is a girl. Grace plays the part in the play and she does an excellent job. This book will be good for encouraging students and letting them know that they can do anything that they want to do. I would allow my  student to act out the Peter Pan play.

Rocking in My School Shoes

Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes - Eric Litwin, James Dean

Pete the Cat is about a little cool cat who attends school and he is rocking he new school shoes. Pete the Cat take a tour around the school and sings his song, "I'm rocking in my school shoes."  I would read this book to a lower elementary class and allow my students to write about cool things that they like to wear to school. I would allow students to illustrate a picture and  share with the class.

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie - Laura Joffe Numeroff, Felicia Bond

This book is about a little mouse who shows up at a house. The mouse is given a cookie and milk. Next, the mouse starts to ask for many other things. Kindergarten would really enjoy this book. I would read this book to my students and share cookies with them.

No, David

No, David! - David Shannon

This book is about a little boy name David who is always getting into trouble. His parents always say, "No David" but he just cannot keep his hands off of things. In many classes there is always a David. I would read this book to my students and allow them to come up with classroom rules. The students will come up with appropriate behaviors and follow them at all times. If students break rules, I will refer to the character David.

A Bad Case of Stripes

A Bad Case of Stripes - David Shannon

This story is about a little girl name Camilla who wakes up with rainbow colorful stripes. She does not like her stripes and wants them to go away. Camilla tries different medicines and procedures to get rid of the stripes. Finally, a lazy suggest that Camille eat lima beans. The lima beans made the striped go away and Camilla enjoyed eating lima beans. This would be a cool story to read to students and allow them to try lima beans.

The Rainbow Fish

The Rainbow Fish - Marcus Pfister, J. Alison James

The Rainbow Fish is about a colorful rainbow fish in a deep blue sea with other fishes. The fish learns the importance of sharing and making others happy. I would read this book to a lower elementary grade and teach the students the importance to share. I would refer to my students as the rainbow fish during times of sharing . I would also allow my students to paint the rainbow fish.

Where The Wild Things

Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak

This book is about a little boy who uses his imagination while in his bedroom alone. The little boy imagines to be in another would and he runs the world as a king. I would read this story to my students, allow them to imagine being in a new world, and allow them create their own world on poster boards. This will allow students to brainstorm, use their imagination,  and be creative.

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein

This story is about a little boy who goes to the tree to eat the tree's apples, swing off his branches, and the tree continuously gives to the little boy. The tree gives its all until nothing is left. This book would be best for lower grades. I would read this book to my class and we could make our own giving tree in the classroom. The students would really enjoy being creative and coming up with their own version.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Board Book) - Bill Martin Jr., John Archambault, Lois Ehlert

This book is about alphabets and I would use this with kindergarten. This is a fun book and it has sound and cool pictures. The kids would really enjoy the BOOOM-BOOM sound. I would create a fun alphabet game and allow students to practice their alphabets.

Clifford's Good Deeds

[ Clifford's Good Deeds Bridwell, Norman ( Author ) ] { Paperback } 2010 - Norman Bridwell

Clifford does a lot of helpful things for his friends and community. However, because of Clifford's size he cannot do things certain ways as a regular size person. This book teaches good manners and helping others. I would allow my students to do a good deed everyday in school and I will record their good behaviors/manners.

A Chair For My Mother

A Chair for My Mother - Vera B. Williams

Rosa and her family experiences a house fire and all of their possessions are destroyed. Their family saves money to buy a comfortable chair. This shows that the family is hard working and knows how to save their money. I would read this book to my students and teach them about the importance of saving money. I would allow my students to make a goal  to save coins and purchase a nice gift for their friends or parents.

Harriet The Spy

Harriet the Spy - Louise Fitzhugh

This book is about Harriet who spy's on a whole town of people and writes her thoughts in a notebook. Harriet's notebook comes up in the hands of others and everyone finds out what Harriet truly thinks about them . This book will be best used in upper elementary. It is important to inform students to not make fun of people and say mean things. I will allow my students to carry notebooks and write only good things about their classmates.

The Bears Learn About Strangers

The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers - Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain

This is a helpful story about Papa Bear informing the little cubs about not talking to strangers. I think that this book will fit under all age categories. People will never get too old enough to not know about the importance of staying away from strangers. It is important to teach your children and students about the dangers of strangers.  I would read this book to my students and give them tips about safety precautions. I would help my students come up with helpful suggestions when encountered by a stranger.